On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Carlos de la Flor wrote:

> in the web.xml i have some init parameters:
> <param name>name</param-name>
> param-value>value</param-value>
> in the jsp page with the <%=request.getInitParameter("name")%>
> i print the value.
> But how can i this value put in a string? (String name2 = ... )??
> or how can i put the value into this:?
> <%=w.myservlet(XX)%> the XX must to be the value of the init parameter.
> Is this posibnle?
> can anybody help me?

<% String name2 = request.getInitParameter("name"); %>

-- Brett
Truth will out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)

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