
Saw your message on the boards.

Did you make sure you have this environment variable set?

On systems that I need it, I put it in my tomcat startup file.


Check out my howto page for my brief notes on threading and it's potential
problems with JVMs and threads.



On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Daniel Gibby wrote:

> My tomcat 4.1.29 instance running J2RE 1.4.1 IBM build 
> cxia321411-20030930 on RedHat 9 kernel 2.4.18-14
> keeps gaining processor usage until finally can't answer requests 
> successfully.
> The machine has a relatively light load.
> I did a kill -3 on the process that showed up on top and got a stack 
> trace... the problem is I have no idea how to analyze the thread dump to 
> see what is consuming CPU.
> I'm sure something must be spinning its wheels, but I don't know how to 
> tell... I can just see that when I run top my tomcat process has 99.9 % 
> of the CPU and the load average is 8.00 8.00 8.00
> I've fixed problems in the past on a separate java application (not 
> tomcat) where I can tell what the problem is in the thread dump because 
> a thread waiting to be notified is also the one that has a lock on it to 
> notify the thing that is waiting to notify it... (that didn't make 
> sense, I know... but anyway it is basically a circle where it won't ever 
> get woken up.)
> However, in this tomcat case, I can't see anything like that where 
> something is waiting in circles... even though I wouldn't rule that out. 
> My experience on reading thread dumps is limited... Anyway, can someone 
> who has better experience tell me what is consuming the CPU? Restarting 
> tomcat brings the load back down, and it slowly goes up again... like 
> over a few days to a weeks time it is back up to 8.00 Load Average.
> I won't include the whole file. I trimmed the file down to 1350 lines by 
> getting rid of a lot of 2HPMEMMAPLINE lines and the section titled:
> 0SECTION       CL subcomponent dump routine
> but I think that is still too long to post here.
> I'm hoping that someone can tell me what to include and what to exclude 
> and I'll reply with the appropriate parts of the dump.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> NULL           
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0SECTION       TITLE subcomponent dump routine
> NULL           ===============================
> 1TISIGINFO     signal 3 received
> 1TIDATETIME    Date:                 2004/02/17 at 08:53:22
> 1TIFILENAME    Javacore filename:    /tmp/javacore.20040217.085322.23429.txt
> NULL           
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0SECTION       XHPI subcomponent dump routine
> NULL           ==============================
> 1HPTIME        Tue Feb 17 08:53:22 2004
> 1HPSIGRECV     SIGQUIT received in ?? at (nil) in ??.
> 1HPFULLVERSION J2RE 1.4.1 IBM build cxia321411-20030930
> 1HPOPENV       Operating Environment
> NULL           ---------------------
> 2HPHOSTNAME    Host             : somehost.com.(none)
> 2HPOSLEVEL     OS Level         : 2.4.18-14.#1 Wed Sep 4 13:35:50 EDT 2002
> 2HPLIBCVER     glibc Version    : 2.2.93
> 2HPCPUS        Processors -
> 3HPARCH          Architecture     : (not implemented)
> 3HPNUMCPUS       How Many         : (not implemented)
> 3HPCPUSENABLED   Enabled          : 1
> 1HPMEMINFO     Memory Info
> NULL           -----------
> 2HPMEMLINE             total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
> 2HPMEMLINE     Mem:  1055625216 1015181312 40443904        0 83464192 
> 614227968
> 2HPMEMLINE     Swap: 1052827648   929792 1051897856
> 2HPMEMLINE     MemTotal:      1030884 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     MemFree:         39496 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     MemShared:           0 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Buffers:         81508 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Cached:         599596 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     SwapCached:        236 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Active:         552968 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Inact_dirty:    344020 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Inact_clean:     50304 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Inact_target:   189456 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     HighTotal:      130880 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     HighFree:         1024 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     LowTotal:       900004 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     LowFree:         38472 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     SwapTotal:     1028152 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     SwapFree:      1027244 kB
> 2HPMEMLINE     Committed_AS:  1067972 kB
> 1HPUSERLIMITS  User Limits (in bytes except for NOFILE and NPROC) -
> NULL           -----------
> 2HPUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_DATA    : infinity
> 1HPSIGHANDLERS JVM Signal Handlers
> NULL           -------------------
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  HUP            : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  INT            : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  QUIT           : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  ILL            : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  TRAP           : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  ABRT           : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  FPE            : unknown handler
> 2HPSIGHANDLER  KILL           : default handler
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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