
Thanks for the quick reply. That is exactly what the problem was. I understand that statically defining and mapping servlets would be much more secure, however I'm not sure I want to map the several hundred servlets involved....
I put the invoker back in place and things are moving along fine now.


On Tuesday, March 2, 2004, at 12:57 PM, Tim Funk wrote:

My main problem however, is that my web.xml file for my web application behaves differently in the two versions. The web.xml file validates against the 2.2 DTD not the 2.3 ( or 2.4 now? ). In my old set up I have not needed to state each servlet that will be addressed. Now it seems as if this may be required for 5.0.

It looks like you are still using the invoker. Its evil: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/misc.html#invoker But the servlet 2.4 is mostly compatible with 2.3 and 2.2.


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Jim Beard
counterclaim.com, Inc
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