Is it like this?:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:48 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: Loosing sessions when poping a window
> Hello everyone,
>       I've been tracking this for days. I'm using a Tomcat 
> 4.1.29/IE6 setup. I've inherited an application written in a 
> mix of JSP, struts and servlets (A mess). The application 
> stores a user object in the session when it logs on. This 
> works fine until it pops a window to talk to a secure server. 
> When you close this window and return to the main window, the 
> next jsp creates a new session instead of reusing the one 
> initially create. Hence it cannot find the user object and 
> assumes they have logged of. 
> The only solution I've found is to create a JSESSIONID cookie 
> and set the domain to my domain and path = "/". I would 
> prefer to let Tomcat do the session tracking so that it can 
> handle browsers with cookies turned of. 
> Has anyone encountered this problem and can give me a better 
> idea of what is going on ? At the moment I think that tomcat 
> is creating new sessions if the JSPs are in different paths. 
> I.e. and would have 
> different sessions. At leasts that appears to be part of the problem.
> Any ideas ?
> Ciao
> D

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