On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jan Labanowski wrote:

> You may want to read about servlet URLs ramapping in my
>    http://www.ccl.net/cca/software/UNIX/apache/tomcatfaq.shtml
> Howver, I am not sure it will gonna work...
> You can have it remapped to http://localhost:8080/demo/demo
> but what you want is to have null path in the context to correspond
> to your servlet... You probably still do not know what you want {:-)}.
> But it will come with a sacrifice of reading stuff on Tomcat, the 
> Servlet 2.1 spec and JSP 1.1 spec on the JavaSun. It is all in there...
[ ... ]
> and see if this will work for  
>    http://localhost:8080/demo
> But again... You only think you want it... But in fact you do not want it.

OK, stop being coy, tell us why he doesn't want it :-).  (Because I
want it too ... at least, I think I do :-).

> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jason Novotny wrote:
> > 
> > I would like to be able to access a servlet with the URL
> > http://localhost:8080/demo
> > 
> > However, it only works if I go to
> > http://localhost:8080/demo/servlet/demo
> > 
> >     I have the following in server.xml and web.xml respectively:
> > 
> > <Context path="/demo"
> >                  docBase="webapps/demo"
> >                  crossContext="true"
> >                  debug="0"
> >                  reloadable="true"
> >                  trusted="false" >
> >         </Context>
> > 
> > BTW, should I comment out or use the following in some way?
> > <RequestInterceptor
> >             className="org.apache.tomcat.request.InvokerInterceptor"
> >             debug="0" prefix="/servlet/" />
> > 
> > 
> > My web.xml in webapps/demo/WEB_INF/web.xml has the following:
> > 
> > <servlet>
> >       <servlet-name>demo</servlet-name>
> >       <servlet-class>org.demo.DemoServlet</servlet-class>
> >     </servlet>
> > 
> > <servlet-mapping>
> >       <servlet-name>demo</servlet-name>
> >       <url-pattern>/demo</url-pattern>
> >     </servlet-mapping>
> > 
> > So I would like to be able to use <form action="/demo">  and have the
> > servlet invoked.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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