On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 18:57, Randy Paries wrote:
> BTW, yesterday someone sent out to the list a chart of times for connectors.

> I accidentally deleted it and can not find it on the archive. Could someone
> that still has that please email it to me directly?

you really ought to run your own benchmarks before going live. All the
benchmarks I've seen indicate that java's performance can vary hugely
from platform to platform, between Pentium3 and P4 for example.

I wrote a simple "TimeTrack" class which my jsps call during the course
of execution, and then at the end print the "track" to allow
benchmarking of pages, and I quickly realised that the dominating effect
was a slow DB link to an oracle server in another country - plain JSPs
were being turned round in less than 10ms but the DB overhead was 300ms.


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