The archives show this questions being asked all the time, but with no useful responses. Please let me know if this is a known unresolved or unresolvable issue.

All solutions posted anywhere for "jsessionid makes Apache go beaindead" apparently use a mod_rewrite incantation similar to the following:

  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine     on
      # Force URLs with a jsessionid to go to Tomcat. Necessary because
      # Apache doesn't recognise that the semi-colon is special.
      RewriteRule       ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$   $1 [T=jserv-servlet]

While I'm sure this worked out great the people using mod_jserv back in 1997, it does not work for mod_jk. For one thing, it does not even let you specify which worker to use :(

Back in the day, Craig responded by pointing to a Tomcat FAQ entry which no longer exists, but presumably had something to do with Apache's mod_rewrite.

On the other hand, a solution was posted (and confirmed by some readers) that the following works:

JkMount /test/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

This seems very obvious, and there's a caveat about how it might not work on "older" versions of mod_jk. It apparently does not work for me. I'm using mod_jk (not mod_jk2), version 1.2.5 (current release) on Apache 2.0.48 as a dynamic module on Linux -- everything compiled myself with nothing out of the ordinary.

Can anyone offer any advice? I've just been sucking it up and ignoring this problem for a while, now (years). Is there actually a solution out there for this? Am I just mistyping the JkMount configuration?

Anyone, please help.


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