There is no way to do that. Your best alternative is to NOT use authentication/authorization via the spec and create some Servlet Filters to perform the appropriate authentication and authorization checks. That way, the filter can be smart enough to determine you user context and handle it approriately.

The upside - is the path is very portable to othre conatiners. The downside is you reinvent some of the wheel. Lucky for you - there are other projects on the Internet which use Filters for this very purpose - so some of your work might already be done.


Jim Kennedy wrote:

I am using form based login, which is working fine for me. I would like to
display different login content (on my login form) based on the desired
intent of the user. So , if the user wants to go to a certain section of my
site that is secure, I would like to capture the redirect page (the url of
the secure page) before the user logs in. Knowing that URL will allow me to
display specific content for that section. I have searched the session and
the request scopes for something that looks like a redirect page. Can't
find anything. Not even a cookie.

So, how does tomcat store the intended (redirect) page during the login
process for "form based login".  Where is it stored?  How can I get it?

Hope I don't need to hack the source for j_security_check.

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