I've got Tomcat 5 running "standalone". Unfortunately I cannot discover how to prevent non-JSP files from being served. Specifically, I've got code sections (which aren't really appropriate to be written as beans) which I "jsp:include" into several pages. I end up giving all of these the extension ".jspinclude".
Provided you know the name of the file, you can request it and see the source. This is also be the case for other files I do not want visible.
Previously I had Tomcat 3 connected to Apache and used Apache's config mechanism to deny access to files with certain extensions. Now I'm moving to Tomcat 5 and decided to give a standalone setup a try.
Is there a way to configure TC5 so that it gives a 404 error for all files with a certain extension (or name-matching a reg exp string)? Or conversely, configuring it so that it only serves files with an extension in [jsp, html, gif]?

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