On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 11:36:10AM +0200, Folke Behrens wrote:
: AFAIK the javac and the jit compiler are both not allowed to optimize 
: this. So this must somewhat hurt performance, right?

What does your profiler tell you?

If you're adventurous, you could take the generated Java source and fold
all of those write()s into a single call, then compare.

: I did some search and read earlier posts in the tomcat-* lists but 
: couldn't find any information about this. Have you any tips/URLs for me?

Well, since you asked for tips ;)
        don't worry about it

Better yet,
        don't worry about it
        until you're having an IO-based performance problem
        and a profiler has determined that out.write() is at fault

If JSPWriter is buffered (should be), buffering offsets the impact of
the write() calls.

It's not as though every call to write() sends data across the wire.



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