I honestly couldn't tell you. You'll have to look at the specs of OptimizeIt.
I normally test and profile everything on my laptop, which has 1gb of ram. I wouldn't 
run any profiler on anything less than 1gb.

tom ly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I should of been more specific. Our application is huge AXIS webservices (no typical 
servlets here) running remotely on a non GUI (all command line) Linux box and we are 
telneting into the box from a windows pc. Can OptimizeIt be running from a non GUI 
Linux box, but have statistics shown from a windows box? 

Peter Lin wrote:

my biased perspective, Borland OptimizeIt is better than JProbe.

the last time I tried to use JProbe to profile Tomcat 4 it was ungodly slow. it's 
probably improved since then.


tom ly wrote:
My team is thinking about getting a profiling tool. Does anybody have any experience 
with either tool? What are your thoughts about each one? 

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