On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 10:57:30PM +0200, Plamen Neykov wrote:
: I have standalone tomcat installation with client authentication switched on
: as described in the tomcat documentation. The problem is that anybody who has
: a signed certificate from my CA can connect to tomcat - even if the client
: certificate is not in the tomcat keystore .....

Yes, that's considered a strong selling point of SSL trust
chains/hierarchies.  ;)

: How can I make sure that only
: clients with certificates existing in the tomcat keystore are allowed to
: connect?

Remove the CA cert from the keystore and install only the certs (pub
keys, that is) of clients that should be allowed to connect.

Barring that, create a special CA for just Tomcat connections and store
that in the keystore.  That would spare you the trouble of adding
clients to the keystore individually.



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