I am running Tomcat (under Linux) from jsvc daemon as user "tomcat". When I do
this, Tomcat fails to run JSPs because Tomcat cannot create java files in the
work directories and subsequently cannot compile them (cuz they're not there).
When I run Tomcat using startup.sh as user "root" I have no problems.
When I run Tomcat using startup.sh as user "tomcat", I can compile at least
some of the java files, but there's another problem with one particular app
which uses css stylesheets and the stylesheets don't get made properly.  I'll
worry about that later.
Of course, the quick solution is to simply invoke startup.sh as root from my
/etc/init.d/tomcat script. But according to instructions
on the Apache site, I'm supposed to be able to run Tomcat as daemon using jsvc.
But something's amiss. I installed Tomcat as user "tomcat" and user "tomcat"
owns the entire directory tree (ie. /usr/local/tomcat5/...).  I put user
"tomcat" into group "tomcat" and group "root" and tried putting the entire
directory tree into both the "tomcat" group and the "root" group.  No
Any ideas?
BTW, the exact error message I am getting is:
 at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
 at java.io.FileOutputStream.(FileOutputStream.java:179)
 at java.io.FileOutputStream.(FileOutputStream.java:70)
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(Compiler.java:223)
 ... etc....

--Bob White-- home:727-490-7363, cell:727-463-6061
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