I have still not succeeded in getting jsvc daemon to run under Linux as user
tomcat.  All files under CATALINA_HOME are owned by the user tomcat.  All files
have been tried with 750 and 777 permissions.  This does not solve the problem.

I have noticed that jsvc looks up a JRE JVM rather than the development JVM
when it initializes.  The only thing I seem to be able to control (through
jvm.cfg and JVM name) is whether it loads the "server" version or the "client"
version.  But it's still looking up a JRE -- even though tools.jar (a part of
the JDK) is the first file listed in the classpath.

All processes show that they are owned by user tomcat.

The error I am seeing is "FileNotFoundException".  Last line of tomcat code to
be called is:

The problem must have nothing to do with permissions for file ownership.  

Nothing to do with file permissions or ownership.  

The problem persists no matter what the file permissions are or who owns them. 

There is no solution to this from merely changing the permissions (or
ownership) of tomcat files.

And yet, everything works fine when I use startup.sh, even when I run as user
tomcat.  In fact, everything works fine under jsvc so long as all of the class
files for the JSPs have been pre-built before starting tomcat.

I should note that I am using 5.0.19 under SuSE United Linux 1.0.

I have followed all of the instructions shown here:
And carefully repeated the process several times.



--Bob White-- home:727-490-7363, cell:727-463-6061
New (popup free!) photos of Polina: http://polina.70kg.com/

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