Look at JSTL's <c:import> tag. If you don't do posts (or images) - it might be enough of a quick kludge.

For example, call this page cowbell.jsp:
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core/c.tld"; prefix="c" %>
<c:import url="http://otherserver${pageContext.request.requestURI}"/>

Then in web.xml:

The poor man's proxy in a quick webapp.


Wendell Holmes wrote:

Is it possible to forward a request from one Tomcat server to another?  I
looked at the API's and it seems to say the resource must be located on the
same server and in the same servlet context.  I'm needing to have some way
to forward http requests from an external IIS web server to an internal
tomcat server.  Basically, I just want to be able to do the equivalent to an
Apache ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse.  Could this be done by writing a servlet
to wrap the original request and forward on?

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