Hi all,

  Is there any infrastruture availabe (or at least any possiblities) in
Tomcat to tune the QoS requests are receiving?

  For instance, is it possible to give differentiated treatments to
requests of various importance, by granting them different amount of
resources, queueing them differently, etc?

  I realise my questions might be a bit vague, as I don't have too much
insight about Tomcat. All I'm looking for are some knobs in Tomcat that we
can turn to affect its performance, either observed by different groups of
requests or by all the requests on a whole. If there are no such knobs at
all, would it be possible to amend the current Tomcat with it?

  Any advices (or at least what readings I should do to acquire that
knowledge) would be greatly appreciated.

  Thanks a lot.

Best regards,


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