Shapira, Yoav wrote:

That's an interesting approach: I'm glad it works for you.  You and
others should carefully consider using this approach, however, if you
have clients that may refuse to join in a session.  Such clients do
exist, and the HttpSession guidelines mandate that your servlet(s) be
accommodating of them:
"A servlet should be able to handle cases in which the client does not
choose to join a session, such as when cookies are intentionally turned
off. Until the client joins the session, isNew returns true. If the
client chooses not to join the session, getSession will return a
different session on each request, and isNew will always return true."
(This is from the HttpSession JavaDoc).

So of course, when every getSession returns a different one, the flag
attribute will never be set, and this approach fails.  This is a corner
case, and one you probably don't need to worry about, but it's good to
keep in mind (and in the archives for this thread) for people who do

And with that, a good weekend to all ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Mantheakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 3:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Denial Service Attack Prevention apache-tomcat modjk2

I've just come off implementing something very much like what Wade has
recommended, and it works a treat.

Note the use of a finally block to release the session lock, which is


Basically, the first request sets a flag stored in the session object


that no other (subsequent) request will be processed for that session

The problem is that the response from the first request will never be
received by the client, if the client manages to send another request
the first one has responded.

If the client sends another request whilst the first is still


the controller servlet redirects the request to come back to the server
make a fresh request) in the expectation that the first request will


finished by the time the second request has re-bounded.

The server keeps a count of how many 'rebounds' are made, so that if


first request is taking a long time to process, the 3rd rebound is


a 'progress bar' JSP that is programmed to refresh itself at


slower rates. (I use custom tags to programmatically set the refresh


It is theoretically possible for the user to be left in limbo if


happens to permanently block the processing of the first request - but


is an unlikely event, so the risk is worthwhile.

The cool bit is that once the fist request has finished processing it


'state' attribute (or set of attributes) in the session, so that any
subsequent request (a rebound or a progress-bar JSP seeking to refresh
itself) will get a response that is identical to what the first request
would have generated.

That's kind of like a restaurant where the customer can never change


order. If they ask for a salad, that is it. No matter how long it takes


cook, and however many times they ask to change their order to chicken,
get a salad at the end!

This stuff can really do your head in when you first start thinking


it, but after while it gets easier.

Bottom line: session is you best friend. Use it.

Good luck!

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

Replying on top of Yoav's because I don't have the other message.

If it is a large enough operation your could do something like this:

//check if running
String methodName = "com.mypackage.MyClass.myMethod";
//pull value from session test and add if needed.
Boolean isRunning = (Boolean)session.getAttribute(methodName);
if( isRunning != null && isRunning.booleanValue() )
 //hand off to other method that tells them to please wait.
//first let app know user is doing task.
session.setAttribute(methodName, new Boolean(true));

//perform that large task
//do work that might jump out here...
catch(Throwable e)

 //ok, it's done...remove from session.
}//end else

Now the large task can't eat up your cpu more than you let it because


only runs once per user at a time. Sleeping the thread a little


so many iterations in loops also will help your entire server and
application.  After maybe every 1000 iterations sleep for a couple of
millis. Play with that sometimes it helps sometimes not.  It spreads


the load over time a bit and allows the computer to service more


it just takes longer...

Hope that helps you some.


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Yes when I posted the response he is speaking of I left that out and in the air. I assumed the forcing of cookies and sessions. I usually assume those things when very heavy work is occuring, but this is definitely something I should have mentioned.

Thanks Yoav.


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