
I am hoping someone can give me a helping hand with my query.

I a webserver running:

Windows 2000 Server
Tomcat 5.0.25
Apache 2.0.49
J2SDK 1.4.2_01

The server hosts about 80 websites (via name based virtualhosts) with Apache
in front of TC for the SSL and static serving.

The machine is a quad Xeon (2.4Ghz) Dell PowerEdge with 1GB of RAM.

Tomcat currently has 704MB assigned as the max heap size.

The problem I am having is that the mahine runs out of memory every day or
so, and Tomcat has to be restarted.  This is clearly not a good thing!

Now, the load on the server is average - nothing spectacular - although some
of the sites do get 50 000+ hits per day.

The sites use JDBC to a MS SQL 2000 server - the SQL Server is on a
differnet machine (similar spec to the web server) on the same 100mb LAN.

40 of the sites are management sites - i.e. thet allow users to manage
content (for the other 40 sites hosted) - the management functions include
image uploading (using commons-fileupload) document uploading, image
manipulation (very limited) etc etc.

Each public site (40 in total) are also accessed once every 5 minutes (the
index page currently) by a product called Servers Alive to ensure the site
is up - if not SMS alerts etc.  I am changing that so that SA will access a
servlet whch returns plain text (thus less load).

I have set the server to use the -XX:+UseParallelGC JVM setting.
I have increased the number of maxThreads in both Apache and Tomcat to
Apaches (1920)
I have run 3 differnet profilers on the server - and cannot for the life of
me find a memory leak anywhere.

I have NOT tried to use the fork compile setting in Tomcat (read somewhere
that this is not good in production?)

Is my memory too low?  I have just ordered additional RAM (upto 2GB and will
assign 1.5GB to Tomcat).  Are there other settings I am missing?  Is the
Garbage collector causing the trouble?

I know that this is very subjective situation but I am going completely mad!

I appreciate any feedback and suggestions!

Best regards,

Carl Olivier

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