Hello Aris,

j2sdk is the "full featured" Java Development Kit including javac compiler, java interpreter, jdb Debugger , rmic and so on.

j2re is the so called Java run time environment. This is like a somewhat "slim" JDK, which also provides you the Java interpreter, but NOT the compiler.

With both version you may run java applications, but you may compile source code only with the jre. Since Tomcat needs the ability to compile JSP pages from source, the j2sdk is the better choice, because otherwise you will receive a ClassDefNot FoundError, when you try to request a JSP pages.
Nevertheless, if you only run pre-compiled servlets and have no need for compile operation, jre may suffice also!




I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..

But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1

Both includes \lib and \bin folders...

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?


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