> I have made two posts to the list about similar problems with 3.2.1 and
> using JNDI/RMI (EJB's) and not figured much out. Not having the time to
> delve further I backed off to Tomcat 3.1. You may try that for the
> Any feedback from any of the implementors that would help us start to
> this out?

I've also reported this as "it makes no sense" that it can find a JSP bean
in the classpath, but if that bean calls other classes and those classes
call others, things get screwed up, as if those other beans have forgotten
the classloader/classpath that was in effect at the time the original JSP
page bean was referenced.

I have found a temporary solution that will likely help you.  In your Tomcat
startup file, put those two jar files in your CLASSPATH so that when Tomcat
itself starts up it will also have the same classpath that your webapp is
using.  I just set the CLASSPATH in Tomcat's startup script to use te
WEB-INF/classes and each jar in my WEB-INF/lib.  That does the trick, though
it's certainly not what I'd expect, and it would be worse if there was some
sort of conflict between jars/classes in two webapps running under the same
tomcat process.


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