Re: Tomcat Admin Tool - Point taken. :-P
Re: jkMount - 
If I understand correctly jkMount involves pointing Apache Virtual Hosts at specific 
jk2 workers. 
The example from the jakarta site shows:
# send all requests ending in .jsp to worker1
JkMount /*.jsp worker1 

# send all requests jsp requests to files located in /otherworker will go worker2
JkMount /otherworker/*.jsp worker2 
so given the example, I would have two workers defined in my file, 
and it would look something like:
# define the worker
# define the worker
What i have now is two Apache Virtual Hosts, pointing to 2 different jk2 workers, who 
are in turn pointing to 2 different instances of Tomcat running on the same machine, 
but different ports.
At first blush, this solves my problem. Although it's not what I original had in mind. 
Changes to the Tomcat server.xml of 1 virtual host will cause that instance of Tomcat 
to be restarted, and other virtual hosts running tomcat on my server are unaffected.
but, a few questions remain:
1. is this "how it is done"? I understand that there is no single answer, but I would 
get some feeling of comfort knowing that this is how "most" people solve this problem.
2. what can i expect in terms of memory requirements? If I have 12 virtual hosts 
running 12 instances of Tomcat . . .? is this model scalable? at what point does it 
stop being scalable? (20 hosts? 50? 500?)
3. what's the catch? :-) there's always a catch!
Thanks for your continued time and patience with this thread.
Matthew Mamet


From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 7/27/2004 10:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Point Apache at Tomcat Contexts


>The Tomcat Admin tool is hardly production-grade, I think we can all
>but the Tomcat Manager Tool allows addition and removal of contexts
>restarting Tomcat. We'd like to hang our hopes on that :-)

Patches and any other contributions are always welcome ;)

I think you can point configure Apache/mod_jk to point at specific
Tomcat contexts using the jkMount directive.  There are examples at


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