On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:58:04 -0300

> I need help to configure a secure application.
> I'm trying to request a client certificate in one page only (the rest should
> be accesible without presenting a certificate) and force to use SSL in the
> entire application.
> I put the following in the web.xml
>     <security-constraint>
>         <web-resource-collection>
>             <web-resource-name>certificates</web-resource-name>
>             <url-pattern>/certificates/add.action</url-pattern>
>             <http-method>GET</http-method>
>             <http-method>POST</http-method>
>         </web-resource-collection>
>          <auth-constraint>
>             <role-name>*</role-name>
>         </auth-constraint>
>         <user-data-constraint>
>             <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
>         </user-data-constraint>
>     </security-constraint>
>     <login-config>
>         <auth-method>CLIENT-CERT</auth-method>
>     </login-config>
> If I add a new url pattern, this page will request client certificate too.
> How can I force to use SSL without requiring a client certificate but still
> require it in a specific page?

I haven't taken the time to analyze your <security-constraint/>, but my
impression is that ssl can't really function without certificates.

It might be possible to pre-supply a (fake) client certificate, but I'm
not sure that would buy you anything. If the client needs a certificate,
it would be best to supply the client with (a real) one (even if only
self-certified). If the client doesn't know what to do with a
certificate, how would it know what to do with the encrypted streams?


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