On 8/23/2004 9:22 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:
We're going to try out a third-party report generation tool, and the
installation instructions involve replacing server.xml.  They assume they
will be the only webapp running, which is not the case here.

Can I put their changes somewhere else?

They need:
    <Listener className="..." descriptors="..." debug="0"/>
and also
    <Realm className="..." debug="99" />

I don't really want to edit my server.xml, since I don't need to for any of
my own webapps.  But I'm not sure if these tags can go in web.xml, or if
not, I seem to remember maybe putting a file in the 'webapps' directory
which will get picked up.

Can someone enlighten me or point me in the right direction?  Thanks!

I believe <Listener ... /> should go into web.xml (beware the order), <Realm ... /> can go into server.xml's Engine, Host or Context section, depending on your needs. If you decided to put it into Context, you can put it into conf/Catalina/localhost/<context>.xml, thus no need to touch your server.xml ...

Dennis Dai

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