Anyone here get Tomcat 5 to work with IIS 5?

I spent more than 7 hours today mainly because of the damn jk2

After all sorts of misleading docs of different working configs that did
not work for me. I have everything up an running.
However I can't get the syntax right in file.

IIS receives the request logs the redirect via the dll and then that's
it. No error logged in the jk log. Finally I came across a posting that
allowed me to enable logging via one of Windows system logs. Available
in the system manager.

Seems that the host is null and there are context issues.

I can post what ever you want to see, but I am almost 100% positive my
problem lies in the file.

Now Tomcat alone works perfectly. I have run Tomcat on Linux with Apache
for 3+ years now. Never had issues like this.

Absolutely ridiculous.

What really bothers me is I run the latest version of both Tomcat and
JK2. Why my file will work fine on Linux and not on
Windows. There is nothing in it to make it OS specific except for file
paths to the shm and log file. Otherwise the files should be the same.

Yet I have to modify them to get any sort of response. Otherwise it's
like jk is not there.

Either I get an error 500 from IIS or I get the page showing all java
content that is not supposed to be visible.

All documentation on Tomcat's site is wrong. It's all for JK not JK2.
Huge differences.

FYI, I have confirmed my registry settings are correct, the ISAPI dll
shows up with a green arrow.

I am doing all this for a client and do not have access to the files at
this moment. However I can get at them tomorrow and post them if needed.

In a nutshell what exactly needs to go in


on IIS. Since it's obviously different for IIS?

That or I really screwed up with configure Tomcat. Despite everything
working perfectly at port 8080.

Really at a loss and want to hate IIS but my problem is more with JK2
for IIS than IIS. Client really thinks highly of Tomcat at this point.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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