On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 02:42:07PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I am trying to configure tomcat 5.0.27 to run using jsvc in a chroot jail.
: I have gotten this configuration to work on rh7.2, but am having problems
: on rh9.  Tomcat works fine using jsvc out of the chroot, but when trying to
: start it in the chroot, jsvc loads without an error (according to jsvc
: debug) and nothing is written to catalina.err or catalina.out (which is
: where jsvc is set to redirect stdout and stderr), but tomcat doesn't load.

Creating chroot jails can be a tricky art. =)

Does a standalone Java program run inside the jail?

Also, did you copy needed system libraries from the old rh7.2 box or
from the /usr/lib of the new rh9 machine?



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