I just installed Tomcat 5.5.0 on Windows XP Professional SP2. I have an existing application that worked under Tomcat 4.x. It consists of a servlet in a jar file located here:


That jar contains a servlet mapped to, for example:


I have a resource bundle installed here:


My JSP files do the following with no problem:


However, when my servlet in my jar tries to execute the exact same code, I get:

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name myresourcebundle, locale en_US


* I've tried taking my servlet out of a jar and putting it in ...mywebapp\WEB-INF\classes\

* I've tried copying my resource bundles to ...mywebapp\WEB-INF\classes\ to the same subdirectory as the actual classfiles (even though I'm using a non-hierarchical resource bundle name: "myresourcebundle")

* I've tried creating an explicit myresourcebundle_en_US.properties

The only thing that works is to comment out the ResourceBundle.getBundle(); line from my servlet.

I've looked at the generated JSP source code from Tomcat, and they have the same ResourceBundle.getBundle(); as does my servlet.

Why can my JSP files find my resource bundle, yet my servlet can't?


P.S. I'm sure that this worked under Tomcat 4.x. Then again, Tomcat 4.x didn't issue an error when my JSP files imported a class but didn't use it, either.

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