It's inefficient to do the DataSource lookup (an expensive operation)
every time you need a connection.  See Luke's approach in the other
message with a similar subject.

And please don't put my name in subject lines -- there are a ton of
other people here who can give great advice on this basic design issue

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:43 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: RE: [OFF-TOPIC]Yoav --> RE: Some pretty basic Tomcat
>ConnectionPooling Questions????
>This is what I do and would like to have feedbacks:
>import java.sql.Connection;
>import java.sql.SQLException;
>import javax.naming.InitialContext;
>import javax.naming.NamingException;
>import javax.sql.DataSource;
>public class DBConnection
>   public static Connection getDBConnection() throws
>   {
>      Connection conn = null;
>      try
>      {
>         InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
>         DataSource ds = ( DataSource ) ctx.lookup(
>"java:comp/env/jdbc/MySQLDB" );
>         try
>         {
>            conn = ds.getConnection();
>         }
>         catch( SQLException e )
>         {
>            System.out.println( "Open connection
>failure: " + e.getMessage() );
>         }
>      }
>      catch( NamingException nEx )
>      {
>         nEx.printStackTrace();
>      }
>      return conn;
>   }
>--- "Luke (Terry) Vanderfluit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi Yoav and all,
>> Thanks for your reply,
>> > But you went a bit too far: the DataSource lookup
>> is potentially
>> > expensive.  That you can do in the init() method
>> and keep a reference to
>> > the DataSource, because keeping that reference
>> doesn't use a connection
>> > resource.
>> > Then in your servlet methods, get a connection
>> from the DataSource, use
>> > it, and release it.
>> > In your servlet destroy method, null out your
>> DataSource reference.
>> > So the DataSource lookup is done once, the
>> DataSource reference is kept
>> > as a private non-static member variable of the
>> servlet class, and the
>> > Connenctions are used only within methods, they're
>> not class member
>> > variables.
>> So now I have changed my code to:
>> 1. Declaration of private global variables:
>> <code>
>>    private Context ctx = null;
>>    private DataSource ds = null;
>>    private Connection conn;
>> </code>
>> 2. an init() method:
>> <code>
>> // "init" does DataSource lookup
>>    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws
>> ServletException {
>>       super.init(config);
>>       try {
>>          ctx = new InitialContext();
>>          if(ctx == null) {
>>             throw new Exception("No Context");
>>          }
>>          ds =
>> (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/mb");
>>       } // end try block
>>       catch(Exception e) {
>>          e.printStackTrace();
>>       }
>>    } // end init()
>> </code>
>> 3. an openConnection() method:
>> <code>
>>    private void openConnection() {
>>       try {
>>          if(ds != null) {
>>             conn = ds.getConnection();
>>             if(conn != null) {
>>                message = "Got Connection to DB " +
>> conn.toString();
>>                }
>>             }
>>          } // end try block
>>       catch(Exception e) {
>>          e.printStackTrace();
>>          }
>>       } //end method openConnection()
>> </code>
>> 4. a destroy() method that nulls the DataSource:
>> <code>
>>    public void destroy() {
>>    ds = null;
>>    }
>> </code>
>> <remarks>
>> -the conn.close() is called in the methods that call
>> openConnection().
>> -I'm thinking of doing an 'include' for the
>> openConnection method, so I
>> don't have the code for the same method sitting in
>> multiple classes.
>> Would that be a good idea? (maintainability, yes but
>> in terms of
>> overhead?)
>> </remarks>
>> Would this be the 'leanest' scenario for a database
>> connection?
>> thanks again,
>> Luke
>> --
>> ========================
>> Luke (Terry) Vanderfluit
>> Mobile: 0421 276 282
>> ========================
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