The funny thing is there is no load on this server, maybe 100 hits/day go to the web application
and maybe 10K hits/day to the Web server by itself.

Another piece of the puzzle is that when Tomcat stops handling requests; I try to stop
Tomcat with, it reports a success the first time, and no socket on subsequent tries
as it should, but the process is still in my process list and needs to be removed with a kill -9

After that if I run Tomcat again, without restarting anything else the system runs just fine

Tran, John wrote:

Are you using mod_jk?

This *might* apply:

"Under heavy load, I've got many threads in Tomcat even if my Apache Web
Server handle much of the load

Under heavy load, Apache WebServer create many childs to handle the
load, which will in turn create many connections to Tomcat to forward
the requests they should handle. Apache WebServer will normally kill the
childs/threads when the load decrease. But if the load is still there
and even if only Apache handle the requests, ie static contents, the
childs are kept and with them the ajp13 connections, even if they are no
more used.

Since JK 1.2.0, cache_timeout and socket_timeout properties as been
added to close connections after some time of inactivity, for more
informations refer to Workers HowTo ."

If so, I'm having the same problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Gentilin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:22 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Help, Tomcat 4.1.30, Linux Stops responding after 24-48 hours

I have a fairly plain Tomcat install with one Web Application installed under RedHat 9.0.
After about 24 - 48 hours, the whole Tomcat server stops responding and there are no errors
in Catalina.out. It seems to of allocated VM ~ the size of physical memory, but none of the file
report any VM memory errors. I have not yet installed a debugger and run Tomcat in debug mode,
tomcat is installed on a server that is a bit hard to get at the console. Also I am interested on how
others would set out to diagnose a remote server problem like this.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Note: The same setup runs on a Windows / Tomcat server with out issue.

John G

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