Right, you don't need a lot of load to see this problem arise over time.
Because the connections aren't cleaning themselves up, they're compiling
over time.

Do a 'netstat -an|grep <your ajp13 port #>|wc -l', and see if it only
increases over time.  If it is not going down, than it most likely is
the problem as described below.

>Since JK 1.2.0, cache_timeout and socket_timeout properties as been 
>added to close connections after some time of inactivity, for more 
>informations refer to Workers HowTo ."

-----Original Message-----
From: John Gentilin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help, Tomcat 4.1.30, Linux Stops responding after 24-48

The funny thing is there is no load on this server, maybe 100 hits/day 
go to the web application
and maybe 10K hits/day to the Web server by itself.

Another piece of the puzzle is that when Tomcat stops handling requests;

 I try to stop
Tomcat with catalins.sh, it reports a success the first time, and no 
socket on subsequent tries
as it should, but the process is still in my process list and needs to 
be removed with a kill -9

After that if I run Tomcat again, without restarting anything else the 
system runs just fine

Tran, John wrote:

>Are you using mod_jk?
>This *might* apply:
>"Under heavy load, I've got many threads in Tomcat even if my Apache
>Server handle much of the load 
>Under heavy load, Apache WebServer create many childs to handle the
>load, which will in turn create many connections to Tomcat to forward
>the requests they should handle. Apache WebServer will normally kill
>childs/threads when the load decrease. But if the load is still there
>and even if only Apache handle the requests, ie static contents, the
>childs are kept and with them the ajp13 connections, even if they are
>more used. 
>Since JK 1.2.0, cache_timeout and socket_timeout properties as been
>added to close connections after some time of inactivity, for more
>informations refer to Workers HowTo ."
>If so, I'm having the same problem.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Gentilin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:22 PM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Help, Tomcat 4.1.30, Linux Stops responding after 24-48 hours
>I have a fairly plain Tomcat install with one Web Application installed

>under RedHat 9.0.
>After about 24 - 48 hours, the whole Tomcat server stops responding and

>there are no errors
>in Catalina.out. It seems to of allocated VM ~ the size of physical 
>memory, but none of the file
>report any VM memory errors. I have not yet  installed a debugger and 
>run Tomcat in debug mode,
>tomcat is installed on a server that is a bit hard to get at the 
>console. Also I am interested on how
>others would set out to diagnose a remote server problem like this.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Note: The same setup runs on a Windows / Tomcat server with out issue.
>John G

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