On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 09:23:09AM -0700, andy davidson wrote:
: I just installed the binary release of 5.5.2. do I
: have to change something in a config file to so that
: tomcat can server up html?

Not at all, as long as the context (webapp) has properly deployed.

: Here is my test. I created servlet foo.bar.bazServlet.
: I installed it under webapps/baz. I created <servlet>
: tags in webapps/baz/WEB-INF/web.xml

What about <servlet-mapping> tags?  Those are required to map the
servlet class to a (context-relative) URI.

: http://localhost:8080/baz/test.html causes my servlet
: to run? Do I have to create some sort of mapping entry
: in webapps/bas/WEB-INF/web.xml for html to work?

See above.

: my servlet generates a image tag as follows
: <img src=images/baz.gif>
: i have webapps/bas/images/baz.gif installed how ever
: this image is never loaded into my browser? Do I have
: to create some sort of mapping entry in
: webapps/bas/WEB-INF/web.xml for html to work?

Avoid using relative paths from a servlet.  The spec doesn't mandate how
a servlet's relative path is handled, since a servlet is a virtual

A thorough review of the servlet spec (available at java.sun.com) will
provide more insight, as should several introductory J2EE/servlet texts.

If you use JSPs instead of servlets for your presentation content, you
can use a special JSTL tag to reference context-relative links, images,
and other static content.



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