On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 12:22:39PM -0700, andy davidson wrote:
: http://localhost:8080/baz works as expected

Probably not.  Read on:

:     <servlet-mapping>
:         <servlet-name>baz</servlet-name>
:              <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
:     </servlet-mapping>

That's probably not the pattern you meant; it will fire the "baz"
servlet for *any* request to your webapp that isn't otherwise mapped.
It's known as the "default servlet."

Try it: request
        http://{your server}/baz/something
        http://{your server}/baz/something/else

... ad infinitum (and ad nauseam)...

: My guess is I need some sort of url-pattern that maps
: /baz/* to /baz/*. What would the syntax be? this is
: not a servlet thing? where can I find a dtd for
: web.xml?

There's no need to guess: all of this and more is explained in the
servlet spec (and any worthwhile servlet text), as I mentioned in my
previous message. ;)  For example, your mapping question is explained in
"SRV.11.2 Specification of Mappings."

Here's a hint: your web.xml should at least include a prologue, which
specifies the servlet spec 2.3 DTD (for Tomcat 4.x and earlier) or the
2.4 schema (for Tomcat 5.x and later).



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