Steve Kirk wrote:
> ...I think you'll find that the Tomcat error page (or your
> own custom error page, if configured) will automatically
> strip the outer ServletException layer off and report the
> underlying UnavailableException.

    That's a possible workaround.  But the JavaDocs are pretty clear: 

         public class UnavailableException extends ServletException
         Defines an exception that a servlet or filter throws 
         to indicate that it is permanently or temporarily unavailable. 

         When a servlet or filter is permanently unavailable, 
         something is wrong with the it, and it cannot handle requests 
         until some action is taken. For example, a servlet might be 
         configured incorrectly, or a filter's state may be corrupted. 
         The component should log both the error and the corrective 
         action that is needed.

    Throwing a generic ServletException wrapping my UnavailableException
would probably get the report showing up, but it also means Tomcat won't be
able to respond correctly to it.

> I think your problelm might be related to my previous post
> regarding a similar issue with ServletException:
> I have also submitted a report to the JSR154 team as
> suggested by Yoav.  Let me know if your problem is similar, and I'll
> add it to my report. 

    I'm not sure it is.  That's a problem with wrapping Exceptions, mine's a
problem with reporting them.  Slightly different.

-- Chris

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