> Throwing a generic ServletException wrapping my UnavailableException
> would probably get the report showing up, but it also means Tomcat won't
> able to respond correctly to it.

Yes.  Sorry, I had missed the fact that UnavailableException is a subclass
of ServletException, so unless your web.xml specifies an error-page for
UnavailableException, there _shouldn't_ be any need to wrap an UE inside a
SE anyway.

But, back to your original question:
> > Where does it go?  If it disappears, what good is
> > having
> > UnavailableExceptions being thrown?

I've had problem with error and exception handling myself, so you got me
interested in this one.  I just read up on it in the servlet spec.
Interesting.  It seems that one good reason to use UEs is that servlet
containers are supposed to give them special treatment compared to SEs (see
servlet spec SRV.  It may be that this special treatment is
actually the problem that you're experiencing?

What I mean by this is, that the servlet spec requires TC to return a 404 or
503 to every request to the servlet after it has thrown the
UnavailableException (up toa time limit in the case of a temp UE).  So, each
new request to that servlet produces a new 404 or 503 error.  Therefore you
probably wouldn't expect each of these new Exceptions to contain the error
message from your original UnavailableException (and the spec does not seem
to require this as far as I can see).  This is maybe why a generic exception
message is returned each time instead.  At a guess, you are seeing the
UnavailableException manifested as a 404 error in your browser, like this:
"HTTP Status 404 - Servlet hemlock is not available", rather than an
UnavailableException ?

PS I just ran my own test of UnavailableException along the same lines that
you described, and found that my custom UE message was not shown in the
browser, but WAS logged in my catalina log file:

2004-10-25 17:30:31 StandardWrapperValve[uethrower]: Servlet.service() for
servlet uethrower threw exception
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: MY UE MSG
        at myWebApp.test.UEThrower.doGet(UEThrower.java:24)
2004-10-25 17:30:31 StandardContext[/ao]Marking servlet uethrower as

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