Hi Suha,

I havent read your previous posting on the issue... cause I am a new 
member of this mailing list... so could you pls tell me what environment 
are you working in. I work in tomcat apache, so I would be of help only 
in that area.

Look into the tomcat-apache.conf files if there is an entry that looks 
like this

AddType text/jsp .jsp
AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp




> Manish,
> you're the best. Thanks for replying.
> Unfortunately, I do have an entry for jsp files:
>   JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
> I also have on specifically for the examples context:
>   JkMount /examples/*.jsp ajp12
> I did not add these. They were in there originally.
> Any other suggestions are welcome.
> thanks again,
> suha.
> Manish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/15/2001 12:05:26 PM
> To:   Suha Yacoub/IL/ONE@BANCONE
> cc:
> Subject:  Re: Please help - Very Urgent - No documentation on this
> Hi Suha,
> Did u look at your mod_jk.conf file if u have an entry for jsp files...
> The entry looks like this
> JkMount /path/to/your/jspfiles/*.jsp ajp12
> I think that could be a problem... it seems u just have one type of
> entries.... ie
> Jkmount /whateverpath/* ajp12 (could be ajp13 ... also check ur server
> documnetation)
> I dont know whethere this will help you or not. .but I tried.
> Manish
>> Does apache have any type of support for tomcat other than this list ... ????
>> I've followed all the documentation, but I cannot run all of the examples.
>> I am able to run servlets on tomcat but not JSPs. Is this caused by a tomcat
>> setting or an apache setting?
>> Details:
>> - tomcat is running in-process (on the same port as apache)
>> - using mod_jk
>> - mod_jk.conf-auto is configured correctly defining the examples context and
>> sending servlet and .jsp requests to tomcat
>> We are using tomcat on a shared server. I, as a user, do not have write
>> permissions to the "work" directory (where tomcat compiles the jsps). I'm not
>> sure what kind of permissions tomcat has. Could this be the cause of the
>> problem?
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> suha.
> --

Manish Poddar
310-827-5880 x 327
818-415-7447 (m)

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