Harry Douglass, Jr. wrote:

I am trying to install Apache Tomcat to run JSP and servlets for the first time. When I type in this URL 'http://localhost:8080/' Windows XP prompts me for a username and password. I typed in both the username 'admin' and blank password and a custom username and password when I installed it and I get an "Unauthorized" web page returned.

When I try running Tomcat from the DOS prompt by typing 'tomcat start', I see the SEVERE Error message: Address already in use:JVM_BIND:8080. I know I am running IIS, but I want to keep the same port it runs on, and manually start Tomcat when I need it.

Why can't I get it to work?


You have another application running and listening port 8080.

Few days ago I resolved same kind of situation and another application
was Oracle and Oracles XML DB and tomcat installed same windows box.

Configration of Oracle XML DB is in DB, so it was easier to just change
Tomcat port.

- Jukka -

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