Thanks Tim
For all non JSTLers I added this to my page:

<%if (request.getMethod().equals("GET")) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } %>

Tim Funk wrote:

The easy way is to make start.jsp a GET and all the other pages POST.

When pages are bookmarked - they are asked for via GET requests. Code you JSP to look for the request method. If the method is NOT POST, then redirect them to some error page. (Or the start page)

For example, in JSTL (but not verified)
<c:if test='${"POST" ne pageContext.request.method}'>
  <c:redirect url="start.jsp" />


Paul Taylor wrote:

Point taken regarding images.

But is this the only way to protect jsp ?
I have a directory structure as follows

I want them to be able to bookmark start.jsp and access it either through the interface or directly from the url. but I dont want them to access
finish.jsp directly because it doesnt make any sense as it is is only shown after processing start.jsp.

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