
>So I'm going to submit an enhacement suggestion for the docs
>as they imply that DBCP is always used for datasources.

The docs give a DBCP example.  If someone needs to be told another
implementation can be plugged in, they not competent enough to be doing
the plugging.  But if you feel like clarifying ad-nauseam, feel free to
submit doc patches as always.

>Is this a case where I might use
>As far as I understand it, that class is DBCP's "standard" non-pooled

Your understanding is wrong.  BasicDataSource can be pooled or not,
depending on how you configure it.

>And, are the following valid ways to tell whether a DataSource or
>has come from a pooled or non-pooled source? :
> if (conn instanceof javax.sql.PooledConnection)
> if (dataSource instanceof javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource)

They're not conclusive ways.  There might not be a conclusive *portable*
way to tell.  It depends on the pooling implementation.

>which both fail the tests above, despite the latter's name implying

Implications are just that, nothing concrete.  Your tests are incorrect.

>Maybe BasicDataSourceFactory does not produce a pooled DataSource(?),

It produces a BasicDataSource, which may or may not be pooling.

>And I can't see another class within DBCP that looks like the pooled
>datasource factory that I need to specify in my "factory" param...?

You need to read the JNDI (not just JDBC DataSource) doc again, and/or
make sure you understand the concept of a factory class.  The latter is
not in the scope of Tomcat documentation.

DBCP provides numerous factories, all of which can produce pooling AND
non-pooling data sources, and the pools provided have different
strategies.  Not all resource pooling is the same.


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