Hi folks,  I pray someone can tell me something here.....  Im writing an 
application in Servlets using Tomcat....  Heres my scenario.....

I display a User Login screen,  ID and Password on an HTML form,  user enters 
data,   the submit button executes the program to verify the Users 
information....  Obvioulsy if its wrong,  it redisplays the screen,   or 
correct,  it carries on into the application.....  SO,  if the user info is 
correct,   it CALLS another program to build and display the users data, menu,  

This all works just fine,  EXCEPT.    when it builds the new User screen,   it 
is building it BELOW (i.e. same browser page)  as the User Login screen.....  
Obviously this User Login screen should be gone,  and I should just see the new 

Ok,   if the User validation process failed (i.e.  invalid id or password)  my 
program just redisplays the log in screen,  well,   same happens,  a NEW login 
screen,  gets bulit below the Original log in screen.....

can ANYONE PLEASSSSSSSSE help me here.....  Does Tomcat need to kill the 
Servlet session?  to know it needs to refresh the Browser?

This is killing me here, Im desperate to get this resolved so I can move 
forward with my app,  I thank you all for any help you can give me....
Have a wonderful day, Merry Christmas....


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