On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 09:49:33 -0500, Wade Chandler

> I never try to use relative paths in getResource.  I always do this
> getResource("/pippo.jar");  Also, I usually pick a class in my package
> that I know will certainly be in my web-app classes folder or one of
> it's jars.  This way the classloader used for my call will know about my
> objects and classes at it's level....so it doesn't make delegate
> calls...and I use com.mydomain.mypackage.MyClass.class.getResource
> instead of using the classloader call though that should not matter....

asking resources to classes or classloaders is the same thing:
absolute paths for classes are relative paths for classloaders so the
following lines are equivalent:


I pick a class in my package too: if you pick another class you don't
know which classloader you 're using (common/shared/ etc.)


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