Hello Gavin,

I am considering doing the same thing on almost the same hardware (e4500 +

Did you end up finding any performance examples or otherwise for this?  If
so, could you forward it my way?

Thanks in advance,


 -----Original Message-----

Sent:   Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject:        Using Apache/Tomcat in high-traffic site


I am looking to use Apache and Tomcat in my company's production web site.
Before I can convince management that this is a good idea I need some
information so I am confident.  If anyone can help I'll be very grateful.

First of all I'll give you a picture of the overall architecture that I want

1)  For fault-tolerance and scaleability we want to have several instances
Apache running over a number of machines.  These will be load balanced by a
of Cisco Local Director boxes, because we already own a couple of them.
>From a
brief look through the operating manual on Cisco's web site I get the
that Local Director cannot support "sticky" load-balancing.  Please correct
if I'm wrong.

2)  We will run several instances of Tomcat (version 3.2.1 most likely) on
back-end servers.  These are a couple of Sun E10000s with 32 processors
These are partitioned up into domains, so that we end up with 12 processors
each machine dedicated to running Tomcat.  Each domain has 2GB of RAM.
are other domains dedicated to databases, etc...

3)  Each instance of Apache will be using mod_jk in a "sticky" load-balanced
configuration.  Every instance of Apache (and so mod_jk) will have workers
defined for every instance of Tomcat on both E10000s.  In other words, a
instance may receive a request from any instance of Apache.

The things I need to know :)

1)  Each request to our site will be assigned seemingly at random to one of
Apache instances by the Cisco boxes.  Can the "sticky" part of mod_jk cope
this?  i.e.  Will mod_jk pass the request to the correct Tomcat instance
though it does not share context information with the other Apache

2)  What is the best way of running Tomcat on the large E10000s?  Should I
just a few very large processes (say 2 x 800MB max heap) for Tomcat or
should I
run many smaller processes (say 16 x 100MB max heap)?  Has anyone got any
experience with making Tomcat (or any Java based server) scale to machines
this size and power?  I want to get good performance, but I don't want to
compromise stability.

3)  Has anyone used Tomcat in a mission critical environment?  I use it in
development all the time and I'm very happy with it, but I'd like to get
impression of how it holds up.

4)  Are there any security considerations with this configuration?  We have
firewalls, intrusion detection kit, etc... for which we have a dedicated
maintenance team.  I'm really only interested in the software here.  Has
used the new Java 2 security features with Tomcat?

Thank you very much indeed!

Cheerio, Woody.


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