JkAutoAlias does not seem to produce the results that I was looking
for.  I need some way to pass information to Tomcat as part of the 

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

about the particular webapp which this VirtualHost is serving.  The
alias doesn't appear to give Tomcat any info about the Context path of
the webapp (/mywebapp) for example, which would be accessed via:


in a more straightforward setup.  Tomcat is still looking in the
default webapp (/ROOT) for my jsp page which is really in /mywebapp. 
How can I append the context to the JkMount to get Tomcat to look in
the correct location so I dont have to use the URI:

and use:



Thanks for any help!


--- Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> migar wrote:
> > 
> > I would like to set up my Apache2/Tomcat4.1 server so
> > that my domain root the.domain.com will point directly
> > 
> <VirtualHost *:80 >
>    ServerName the.domain.com
>    DocumentRoot "C:/some/directory"
>    #Add the auto aliasing here
>    JkAutoAlias C:/some/directory
>    JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> </VirtualHost>
> MT.
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