I don't know why you are saying that css and/or js must be placed
directly under "WebRoot".  Why do you?  I can give you various
solutions, once I find out what the problem is supposed to be.  There
is no issue, by the way, with putting your JSP files under WEB-INF. 
There are other ways to protect access, but this is, I think, a good
one too.


On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 22:31:32 +0800, Koon Yue Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I want to protect my JSP from direct access, so they can only
> access by Struts action.
> but....
> If I want to include some Javascript or CSS to a JSP, I can't !
> Because .js and .css needed to place directly under WebRoot
> My solution is to use <jps:include> to include all those Javascript
> and CSS to JSP, but then the JSP will look very ugly and fill up with
> long long non HTML stuffs ...... which is not so nice
> Is there any any to solve this or I just need to accept this trade-off?
> Any help would be appreciated
> Regards
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