Dennis Lundberg wrote:

/www/ /htdocs/ /examples1/ /examples2/index.html /examples3/index.jsp /WEB-INF/web.xml /webapps/ /webapp1/index.jsp /webapp2/index.jsp

Now httpd is set up like this:
DocumentRoot "/www/htdocs"

Tomcat has a context configured like this:
<Context path="" docBase="/www/htdocs" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>

The thing that didn't work before now works :-) , but one thing that used to work before is now broken :-( Trying the URL:s in the directory structure above gives these results:

- Accesses to /examples1/ (Apache httpd shows a directory listing)
- Accesses to /examples2/ (Apache httpd serves the file index.html)
- Accesses to /examples3/index.jsp (Tomcat serves the file index.jsp)
- Accesses to /examples3/ (Apache httpd shows a directory listing)

The first three work as can be expected. It's the last one that puzzles me. I would like Tomcat to serve me the file index.jsp there. Is that possible?

Yes. JkMount /examples3/* yourworker Then: JkUnMount /examples3/*.jpg yourworker ... JkUnMount /examples3/*.xxx yourworker

But that's not the very wise solution.
You obviously wish to Apache serve your static content (e.g. images),
while Tomcat serving the dynamic content.

So, organize your applications like that, moving static content to
a virtual space accesible only by Apache.
For example:
Make /images Alias for apache in some directory outside
Tomcat ROOT.


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