I've written a custom WebDAV servlet which works fine configured on Windows XP Professional localhost with Tomcat 5.5.4.

I upload everything to a http://www.example.com/webapp/webdav/ . The domain is served on Red Hat 6 by Apache 2.0.49, which forwards to Tomcat using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.

I try to connect via Microsoft Windows XP Professional Web Folders. (My WebDAV servlet works around all the various Microsoft redirection bugs, and works fine with Web Folders on localhost.) Web Folders doesn't recognize the folder. I whip out Ethereal, and here's what I find:

User agent "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery" sends an HTTP OPTIONS request to "/". Apache sends back a 200 OK. Then Microsoft Web Folders sends an OPTIONS request to /webapp/webdav/. My servlet sends back a 401 Unauthorized, asking for digest credentials. So far, so good.

Then Microsoft Web Folders starts over again, sending an HTTP OPTIONS request to "/", and then an OPTIONS request to /webapp/webdav/ (never asking me for my username/password), until it finally gives up and says that there must not be a valid WebDAV server at the requested location.

Why doesn't Microsoft Web Folders ask my for my password? Why does it ignore the 401 Unauthorized and go back to asking for OPTIONS on the root? Does this have something to do with using Apache to proxy to Tomcat? Why did a non-proxied Tomcat work find on my Windows XP Professional machine?

(If it has anything to do with it, I'm testing this in a cafe going through Surf and Sip WiFi.)

Thanks in advance for any insight.


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