

I am trying to performance test an application running Tomcat with
Apache w/SSL (connected using mod_proxy).  The OS is Windows Server


The test I am running is simulating a user logging into the application
(using JMeter for the testing framework).  Increasing the number of
users from 1, 2, 3, 4,5 the total CPU utilization jumps considerably.
After 5 users the CPU utilization hits 50% for a second and then
drops...When simulating 10 users, the CPU hits50% for a few seconds and
drops back down, the more users, the longer the CPU is pegged at 50%.
My question is why is tomcat only using 50% of the CPU?  Seeing the CPU
grow significantly with each user, and then peg out for longer periods
of time with an increased user load indicates that the CPU is the choke
point.  Using performance monitor, the Tomcat % Processor Time pegs out
at 100% for the duration that total CPU utilization is at 50%.  Is there
a configuration option that I am unaware of to allow tomcat to use more


Thanks in advance!



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