I'm using JBoss/Tomcat and JSP to serve up Flash (swf) files, but I'm
running into a little difficulty. The Flash file plays fine when the
browser is running on the same machine as the server; but, is a
no-show when I access the web page from a different machine -- though
the rest of the page (such as it is) is displayed. Oh, and the Flash
files are generated dynamically; in other words, there's not just one
flash file that I can squirrel away.

Following is the HTML that gets generated by the JSP (which "fills in"
the name of the Flash file to be displayed):

    <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <OBJECT width="300"  height="200"  align="center">
            <PARAM name="movie"   value="file:/C:/FlashFiles/test.swf">

            <EMBED src="file:/C:/FlashFiles/test.swf" 
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="200">

I've tried a couple of different values for the file specification
(for example, "file:///C:/FlashFiles/test.swf" and
"C:/FlashFiles/test.swf"), but this hasn't had any effect.  Is this a
security issue?  Any thoughts on what could be going on?



p.s., I'm using JBoss 3.2.3/Tomcat 4.1.29 on Windows XP Pro

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