Then you must use the window.returnValue of Java Script.

Best Regards,
S H A K E E L   A H M A D
Voice: 00923002723316
Senior Software Engineer.
NorthStar Technologies.
EE(Computer Engineering), UET Lahore, Pakistan.
SCJP,SCWCD & SCBCD Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Brain Bench Certified Java Programmer.

-----Original Message-----
From: U K Laxmi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 February, 2005 12:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: How to send hidden variables to next page 

Thanks for the answers Shakeel.

My problem is, i've a page that doesn't have submit
button. I need to send the hidden variables in that
HTML page to next HTML page. Here the hidden value is
set based on the type of option selected from 'select'
drpo down box in HTML. To put it in session, i need to
identify the selected option and assign it to java
varialbe. I don't think it's possible to assign a
javascript variable to java variable. Pls help to
solve this problem.

--- Shakeel Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wel this might help...
> // You write following two lines in first JSP page.
> String name = "Java";// This might be your hidden
> field.
> session.setAttribute("HiddenName", name);
> //Then you get the name on next page as follows.
> String userName =
> (String)session.getAttribute("HiddenName");
> The "name" attribute will be available throught the
> session life, unless we
> remove it explicitly or restart Tomcat.
> We can use it on any page once it is placed
> properly.
> Best Regards,
> S H A K E E L   A H M A D
> Voice: 00923002723316
> Senior Software Engineer.
> NorthStar Technologies.
> EE(Computer Engineering), UET Lahore, Pakistan.
> SCJP,SCWCD & SCBCD Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Brain Bench Certified Java Programmer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: U K Laxmi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 February, 2005 10:37 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: How to send hidden variables to next
> page
> Yes. I'm using JSP. Can you pls tell me the syntax
> or
> guidelines as how to do it.
> Thank you.
> --- Shakeel Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > If you are developing a JSP/Servlet then you can
> do
> > this by keeping those
> > variables in session.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > S H A K E E L   A H M A D
> >
> > Voice: 00923002723316
> > Senior Software Engineer.
> > NorthStar Technologies.
> >
> > EE(Computer Engineering), UET Lahore, Pakistan.
> > SCJP,SCWCD & SCBCD Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> > Brain Bench Certified Java Programmer.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: U K Laxmi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 23 February, 2005 10:31 AM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: How to send hidden variables to next page
> >
> >
> > Sorry if it's not the right place to post this
> > question. Excuse me.
> >
> > I've some hidden variables in a web page. I want
> to
> > send them to next page without using submit
> button.
> > I
> > don't know how to do it. More over i don't know
> how
> > to
> > access those variables in the next page. Is there
> > any
> > option available to do this html or tomcat or
> > apache?
> >
> > Thanks!!
> >
> > --- Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Ah-ha, somehow I changed a line in the
> > > file from
> > > this (some pointless experiment out of past
> > > frustrated delirium):
> > > /jsp-examples/*=ajp13w
> > > this:
> > > /jsp-examples/*.jsp
> > > changing it back (which is how it was
> > > out-of-the-box after
> > > jk_1.2.8.exe was run) to:
> > > /jsp-examples/*=ajp13w
> > > ...fixes it, and I can now access both
> directories
> > > fine (inside and
> > > outside of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps)!!!  YAY!!!
> > >
> > > I now get the expected results for:
> > > http://localhost/jsp-examples/ (the webapps/
> > > examples page)
> > > ...and for:
> > > http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/ (the
> webapps/
> > > examples page)
> > > ...and for:
> > > http://localhost:8080 (Tomcat home page)
> > > ...and for:
> > > http://localhost (IIS home page)
> > > ...and for:
> > > http://localhost/JSP/MYwebapps/MYjsp-examples
> > > (the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\JSP\MYwebapps\ examples
> > > page)
> > > ...and the .JSP pages work as expected in both
> > > places!
> > > Now I can add docabses to my heart's content -
> > > *relieved sigh*
> > >
> > > SO...the easy answer is a simple, single CONTEXT
> > > addition, but making sure
> > > to overlap the end of the "docbase" path with
> the
> > > "path":
> > > <Context path="/JSP"
> > > docbase="C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/JSP" debug="0"
> > >   reloadable="true" crossContext="false" />
> > >
> > > As an aside, I got rid of the <...path=""
> > > docbase=""...> CONTEXT, so I
> > > have no idea why you're using that line in your
> > > server.xml file, Wendy?
> > >
> > > THANKS, Wendy!!!
> > > -Matt
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Matt wrote:
> > >
> > > > OK, we've at least gotten to the point where I
> > can
> > > now run the examples
> > > > from my own directory outside of
> > > $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, and by ONLY
> > > > editing server.xml and
> > > slightly, and NOTHING
> > > > ELSE, which is not only nice, but also what I
> > > expected all along!
> > > >
> > > > *HOWEVER, now that I made the changes you
> > > recommended, the webapps area
> > > > now is NOT FOUND when using plain URL's.  I
> get
> > a
> > > (Tomcat-based) directory
> > > > listing when using the following URL (instead
> of
> > > the Tomcat welcome page):
> > > > http://localhost:8080
> > > > ...which includes my outside folder and then
> all
> > > of the folders in
> > > > $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, AND if I go deeper
> into
> > > any of these listed
> > > > directories with the explicit port :8080 set
> it
> > > works, BUT if I try the
> > > > following URL:
> > > > http://localhost/jsp-examples
> > > > ...then I get a 404 page not found error (not
> a
> > > Tomcat page - standard
> > > > IE stuff).
> > > > With or without the :8080 port in my URL, my
> > > outside directory can be
> > > > found just fine:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > (and so on)
> > > > I have the inverse problem.
> > > > Good grief!  Can't we have both?
> > > >
> > > > Here's the beginning of my HOST tag through
> the
> > > CONTEXT (everything else
> > > > in server.xml is out-of-the-box, unless
> > > jk_1.2.8.exe does anything here as
> > > > well):
=== message truncated ===

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