Klaus-F. Kaal wrote:
Hi Doug,

sorry, that I had to shout out, but I can see that every specialist gets tons of eMails every day. And if he or she does not answer straight away to some mails, the others will be dumped in a bin and ... lost.
And nobody answered by mails since days...

Thanks for your reply.

I have aquired a dedicated server with Suse 9.1 preconfigured. It came with Apache 2.0.48, which is working well. I installed

- JDK 1.4
- Tomcat 5.0.28
- The latest binary package from mod_JK2

Apache and Tomcat are working well individually. The logs are showing, that Tomcat accepts mod_JK2 well and is prepared to communicate on port 8009. It also creates the /conf/auto/mod_jk.conf, which I show later in this text. Apache is not showing anything in the log. It just states that it did not find the document in its normal public_html space, when I try to call a JSP page. But, I havn't modified the log-level (by the way, where can I do that??).

There are soooooo many how-to's which are all doing different things. I tried to find the essence from several. I must say at this point: I hate to compile packages when I can use binaries. So, I did not follow how-to's which asked me to do that.

All other infos are given below.

Can you do something with this info? Thanks for any help or hint!


------------- My previous questions

- Apache still seems to ignore my mod_jk.

_In my Tomcat log, I can see:_

INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
06.03.2005 00:54:10 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=5/43  config=/usr/tomcat/conf/jk2.properties

_I included my automatically created mod_jk.conf into the httpd.conf:_

Include /usr/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

This mod_jk.conf looks like this:

<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
 LoadModule jk_module "/usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_jk.so"

JkWorkersFile "/etc/apache2/workers2.properties"
JkLogFile "/usr/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg

_The workers2.properties is here:_





At first glance, I don't see any JkMount directives. You have to explicitly define what should be passed to the mod_jk worker with a JkMount.

I would ask why you have chosen mod_jk2? It is no longer being developed by Apache. I would recommend using mod_jk. There is an excellent tutorial on configuration for Apache on Apache's website.


-- Justin Crabtree Java Programmer Ozarks Technical Community College 447-7533

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