On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 16:46:08 -0000, Allistair Crossley
> Or easier is to use IIS and then turn tomcatAuthentication off. Read my blog 
> at www.adcworks.com/blogs to see how to do this. IIS can pass your NTLM value 
> to Tomcat happily without jCIFs.

I disagree, setting up IIS is un-ncessary evil and setting up jcifs is
a LOT easier than all those hoops you need to jump through for IIS,
just drop in the .jar file, add a few parameters to your web.xml and
you're up and running. to go the IIS route you end up with another
webserver to maintain and I'm guessing most people dealing with Tomcat
aren't going to have IIS experience to begin with and then you have to
get the connector working between IIS & Jrun.

A lot more work than just dropping in a .jar file and adding a few
parameters to your web.xml.

Jason Bainbridge
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