
Thanks for replying.. Sadly there must be something else to configure.. I did read all the relevant documents and the manager works fine for the default "webapps" context. I added the line you suggested to that virtual host.. restarted everything (including Apache)

  I then type in

  http:// <virtualhost URL>/manager/html

... and Tomcat indicates that such a context does not exist..

This, in my thinking is understandable, because I have not configured a context IN tomcat (i.e. server.xml) for that Host and that is what I think I'm missing.. It is just can not find any documentation to help me on this.. (though I remember seeing a discussion on this somewhere..) I tried to pattern after the default host but because my webapps are "down one more level" in the directory structure the pattern

Alias /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/someapp/../../server/webapps/manager

..does not work..  it parses it to

Alias /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/someapp/../server/webapps/manager

.. which does not exist..

If you have a momment, please reread my original message that explains the configuration of my web applications.. Any ideas would be appreciated...

  Thanks again for taking the time to respond..


Anto Paul wrote:

I have a single line to do it in the VirtualHost
JkMount /manager/* a9
First configure manager application as specified in the Manager how to.
There are some config steps in Tomcat if you have different
CATALINA_BASE for each web application.

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